Please contact me at to book a session.

Location & Parking

Head Heart Hara is located in De Meditatietuin in the middle of Amsterdam’s Amstelpark. The park is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport or car. De Meditatietuin is a short walk from the Red Bridge and the main A.J. Ernststraat entrance. Our centre can be found exactly between “Het Glazen Huis” and “Het Rietveldhuis”.

De Meditatietuin
Amstelpark 6, Amsterdam

By bicycle

You can use Google Maps to find our location. Park your bike outside the park in the designated racks. The Amstelpark is only accessible on foot.

Public transport

The Amstelpark is a 7-minute walk from the RAI station.

Metro lines 50, 51, and 52 arriveĀ and depart from the RAI station.

Bus 62 stops in front of the Amstelpark entrance, at stop Amstelpark.

By car

If you visit us by car, take the Ring A10 towards the RAI and take the exit RAI (S109).

At the traffic lights, turn left onto the Europaboulevard in the direction of Amstelveen.

After 500 meters you will see the main entrance of the Amstelpark on your left.

Here you will find plenty of parking spaces. From Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 it is paid parking. The hourly rate is 2.90 euros until 19:00 (reference date Dec ’23). On Sundays, parking is free. For current rates and parking zones, visit There is also a free car park at the head of the Amstelpark near the Riekermolen, a 15-minute walk from De Meditatietuin.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to take your dog or other pet to our studio.